On Returning Home…

Thoughts on Things
2 min readFeb 23, 2022

What follows from a spiritual practice are not only teachings that help cultivate a transcendental relationship with Self but more simply, spirituality offers us a reminder of what we once were, and in this reminder, is deep peace.

What carries us through life is our body and this weight cannot be underestimated in the role it plays in impacting our psyche. Our body operates on the material plane and as such, is drawn to like substances. We seek pleasure and avoid pain, the body is duality expressed in the physical form. The mind, however, is made and connects with different substances. The mind often may get wrapped up and direct itself toward achieving bodily pleasures, we may look at these people as hedonists. When the mind is directed upwards, away from the body, we may call these people more spiritually inclined.

Spirituality serves as a reminder as to what the truest nature of the human being used to be, even before we inhabited our physical bodies.

If I am practicing mindfulness and meditation — what am I really doing? It may be said that I am decluttering my mind and bringing space between my body and thoughts, brain and mind. I attempt to perceive myself as a distinct element from my body and instead just spirit or energy vibrating. I bring a keen sense of awareness to my body, I stand back from it, I feel every nerve in my body. I am mindful of it.

Detachment, a core element in a few spiritual practices, what is it but a renouncement of the desires of the physical body? To do away with all materialist pursuits. In the history of time, a body may be considered a new phenomenon, for millions of years, there was just energy, nothingness. Practicing detachment may be seen as an attempt to return to a Self that was without body, a return to your origin, the universe.

We are so drawn to spirituality because we all yearn to return home. A place where we were just energy in the ether. Why else do we mesh so well with certain people? Trillions of years ago we must have vibrated on a similar frequency.

To be awakened is just to return home.

Spirituality offers a glimpse into what we once were.

Spirituality is nostalgia.

