On Morality (1)…

Thoughts on Things
3 min readMay 8, 2022

There has never been a more pronounced shadow than of those who believe themselves to be the guardians of Morality.

The arbitrators of Rightness and Wrongness.

This is an extremely dangerous disposition to carry. All great human atrocities originated from a place of moral certainty as to their justification for violence.

In the depths of your Morality lies your insecurity.

Has the one who apparently stands for others learned to stand for himself?

Absolute certainty is extreme naivety.

Does history not remind us of all things that were once considered virtuous but are now considered the vilest of vices? Morality is a construct. And where there is construction, there is also the potential for destruction.

The permeation of information enabled by the technological age has brought about a sense of moral certainty that has led to immense polarization. It has never been easier to find a rallying cry for your cause.

But to consider if your cause is worth rallying for has never crossed one's mind.

I only ask whether your certainty fosters unity or divisiveness. If it’s divisiveness ask yourself if you are better than the ones you oppose so vehemently.

The world can be an unfair and treacherous place. How many millions of people have been fated to endure such immense, unjustified suffering is unsettling — this could be you at any given time!

Should we not aim to make each other stronger so that we may bear the weight of this world when it falls on us? So that when the weight falls I may carry it, carry it up to the top of Mount Vesuvius.

I arrive at the peak and one day, I forget that I have been carrying a weight.

One day you will have to bear the weight of the world and how heavy that weight feels is up to you.

Where is the Morality that promotes this type of Strength?

What is brooding on the other side of certainty?

What does it mean to be Virtuous? Just? Moral?

There is nothing more problematic in our society than those who proclaim themselves to hold such values without having done the work necessary to conclude what those values mean. This is utterly apparent by the way those who believe themselves to be ‘Just’ actually commit the most heinous of crimes against others.

The facade of morality, the guise of virtue. Everything one does stands for something but where is the reference point? Where has that point gone? It has withered away, dissipated, and has been buried under the sand.

Everything is permissible under the guise of Virtue.

What happens when you identify with your supposed ‘truth’ and that identity is threatened? There is no other choice but to fight. How may one de-identify with their personal truths for truths that elevate the human spirit and consciousness — is this possible? Is the human perspective so myopic that we cannot see past our little Selves?

An over-identification with all things.

De-identify with your Morality — be apart from it.

We still cherish these principles of Rightness and Wrongness but for as long as morality is dual in nature one group will always be on the wrong end.

How does dualistic morality not contribute to this type of opposition among humans?

May we call for a new Morality? To be beyond it. What is beyond Morality?

To be ‘amoral’. To be above rightness and wrongness. Be aware of your consciousness and attachment to ideology.

Is spirituality an amoral practice? Is one's relationship to the mysticism of the world not the most amoral of relationships? It consults no values, no objectivity, no doctrine or dogmatism. It is entirely a subjective, individualistic exercise.

You simply stand before the Oneness — beyond all material things.

