On Matter & Weight…

Thoughts on Things
2 min readFeb 13, 2022

I think about Matter and I think about weight. Our obsession with matter is what holds us down as species. For as long as you are desirous over the material, you will be held down.

The way we speak about Matter is evidence of its importance in our reality;

‘What’s the Matter?’ — what is troubling your psyche?

‘As a Matter of fact’ — matter is truth.

We are obsessed with Matter — material, those things composed of earthly essences.

The nature of the spirit is to rise, permeate and see itself, be itself in other things, to unify with other spirits. The yearning of nature, of our nature, is to connect, to be One with all things. Obsession with Matter is a detriment to spirit achieving its aim.

The essence of You is your spirit, a platitude. When I obsess over the material I tether my spirit, it becomes too much to carry because it is intertwined with the weight of my body. Where does my spirit go when I cannot carry this weight I have put on it? Downwards. Well, what is downwards? Hell. Hell, therefore, could be described as the internal state of my spirit when it is overwhelmed with material.

To relinquish the material is but a tenet in Buddhist philosophy. But if one is so enlightened then why the need to relinquish anything? Why not simply Be?

However, this is not the case. We must accept the impact the material has on our immaterial selves and our ability to cultivate our spirit. Matter and immaterial are continually working together in an effort to align themselves and be in balance.

The necessity of balance is evidenced by the way we must express our immaterial selves in the material world — what is art and what is a conversation other than an expression of the immaterial? It is here where we become conduits for the immaterial.

Why else may it be torturous to be silenced? To be caged in prison? Our ability to express our immaterial is confined alongside our bodies, when one is shackled so is the other — the material and immaterial working together.

To control expression is an effort to confine the universe.

When one is wholly obsessed with the material, we may think of them as soulless, for who are these people? We may observe how popular culture critiques the wealthy who are supposedly obsessed with material. For these few, we attribute the most horrid of labels. It is here it may appear that these individuals have buried their soul under the weight of all their material accumulations.

Only in this world are the powerful ones seen as the Masters of Matter.

